Erroneous Core Values are the Fruit of Mental Defilements
Before we proceed to the topic of ‘core values’ in detail, it is necessary to understand ‘erroneous core values’ which make one misunderstand life and the world.
Drink to keep us warm
Phrabhavanaviriyakhun, the vice abbot of Dhammkaya Temple, kindly answered this question: If you drink to keep you warm, does it break the five precept? Click to read his answer!
Having Done Good Deeds In The Past
Good selected fruits with tasty seeds, whenever they are planted, always bear fruits of fine taste without taking much care of them. Meanwhile, and person who performed good deeds adequately in their past life,
Flood Situation and the needed things
Dhammakaya Temple and Foundation helped the flood victims.
The Ghost Brushed Away
She was only 10 years old and her dad is polarized. All her sisters got married and stayed in a separated house. As a result, she was the only one taking care of her dad until he passes away. She likes to do a merit and always help other people before helping herself. What will be fruits of these merits that she has been doing?
'I spent 12 years in a cave'
โครงการเขียนข่าวให้เป็นข่าวดี ครั้งที่ 4
คุณแน่ใจได้อย่างอย่างไร ภาพที่คุณถ่าย ข่าวที่คุณเขียน และแชร์ใน social media จะไม่มีผลต่องานพระศาสนา โครงการเขียนข่าวให้เป็นข่าวดี โดยสำนักสื่อสารองค์กร เปิดอบรมให้ความรู้การเขียนข่าว ถ่ายภาพ เลือกภาพที่เหมาะสม และเรียนรู้การแชร์ สร้างกระแส ท่ามกลางพฤติกรรมการใช้ social media
Mother Still Cares
Not knowing the truth of life is extremely dangerous and because of this she made many errors before she got to know Wat Phra Dhammakaya. The DMC channel made us aware of the truth of life. This is fundamental because to lead a wrong life is more painful than not being alive.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Application (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Eight :- Artfulness in Application
Since there are a lot of collisions that break our society. What can we do to give unity back to our nation?